Tag Archive for: AI

NVIDIA Ampere announcement
From general purpose GPUs to AI supercomputers

NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy 2020
M Computers together with IT4Innovations, National Supercomputing…

Conference VPGC 2020
Cybersecurity in the Age of AI and 5G
Today we have been a part…

Invitation: HPC & AI ACADEMY 2020
Be a part of NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy 2020!
Let us invite…

AI DAYS 2019 — news from NVIDIA and supercomputers
For our customers, business partners and students, we have prepared…

Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Multi-GPUs
The first NVIDIA DLI workshop in Prague
This course…

Press conference of the RECAIP project
We visited a press conference of the RECAIP project (Research…

ONTAP AI presentation
ALEF Distribution organized a seminar for its customers on cloud…

Announcement of winners of the AI Awards
We have awarded winners of the first AI Awards on Tuesday, April…

Visit of Nvidia HQ in Santa Clara
We had a unique opportunity to visit the headquarters of Nvidia…